Turning 30 Has Completely Changed my Mindset about Everything

Marian Krick
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


The kick in the pants I needed

Photo by Craig Adderley on Pexels

I turned 30 at the end of January, and for the few weeks leading up to my birthday I felt incredibly anxious. That’s nothing new to me. Even on my good days I’m often filled with small worries or little things to be anxious about.

But while I originally thought my anxiety stemmed from the fact that I was soon to celebrate a milestone birthday, I quickly realized it was something else.

I was feeling uncomfortable because of the fact that I hadn’t achieved much in the previous two years.

Now there are a few important things to take into consideration while reviewing the past few years, but the main thing to remember is:

The pandemic has been going on for 2+ years now

But I don’t know if I get to really use that as an excuse for not achieving anything. The point of this article isn’t to dwell on covid, but I will state quickly that I’ve been incredibly privileged in that during the past two+ years I’ve not only kept my job, but I’ve also been allowed to work from home.

So yeah.

Life has been pretty normal for me. I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything over the past two years, but the sad truth of the matter is that I could have been doing more.

My lack of end results is due to my lack of action.

Which comes to why it’s the second month of 2022 and I’m attacking my goals with a ferocity that I haven’t felt in a while. It feels good. I’m making lists (one of my favorite things to do), coming up with a game plan, and taking action one day at a time.

I have an idea of what I want to accomplish during the month, but it’s so easy to get overwhelmed by looking at the month at a glance. I have to break it down day by day in order to stay motivated and get things done.

I’ve only been 30 for a couple of weeks now, but I’m still feeling the excitement that I felt on my actual birthday (although maybe that was just a sugar rush from the chocolate cake, who knows?).

My birthday made me consider a lot of things in my personal life, but I’m not in as much of a hurry for those because things are going well and I don’t want to rush things. Instead, I’m ready to tackle the task of getting things moving when it comes to my professional life.

I want to live each day in a way that makes me happy and proud to look back on my work. I want to make money doing something I love. I want to be important to the company I work for and help to make a different in their business.

I feel very inspired at the moment. Eventually, the rush that I feel from my 30th birthday will wear off. But in the meantime, it was just what I needed. I feel myself coming out of the slump that I’ve been in since it got cold at the beginning of Winter.

I know that things will never be “normal” again, but as more and more of the world gets vaccinated and we start living similarly to the way we used to, I know that my motivation will only increase.

Plus, in my part of the US, it’s finally starting to get warm again. And that’s something to celebrate all on its own.

Maybe my 30th birthday is just the kick in the pants I needed, to find clarity and purpose in my life again.



Marian Krick
Marian Krick

Written by Marian Krick

Writer & Blogger. Interested in books, cozy living and my dog. I blog at: www.mariankrick.com

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